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Journey with Kelleigh through her Significant 12 Blog Series.  Read as Kelleigh takes you on a step by step journey out of the wilderness, over the River Jordan and into the Promise Land!

Writer's pictureLife Essence Ministry

Home Sweet Home- Stone 2


It is a new month LE Family and  I’m so happy to be sharing my experiences with you again! 🥰

Last month we introduced ‘The Significant 12’ Blog series.

Just to remind you there were 2 main scriptures I mentioned last time that I will be drawing upon throughout the series as follows:

(Click the links to read the full chapters)

So previously we explored digging deeper into God and inviting Him into the different areas of our lives helping us to get through life.

This month’s stone is all about a point in 2022 where I found myself lost and displaced and in need of a new church home.

Biblically finding the right place of worship is so essential for us as believers for so many reasons;

love, family, unity, covering, support, prayer, purpose, growth, serving and so much more.

-The Key Scriptures-

This leads us nicely into this month’s scriptures which are:

God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! 



-Home Sweet Home!-


In 2022  I found myself in a season where I was displaced after I left my previous church home just before the COVID Lockdown. As some of you may recall this was a hard time for us all, but being without a church and unable to visit and root myself in one was even harder.

Fortunately, I did have the unplugged sisterhood group I was running through Life Essence, as well as joining different church’s bible studies and connect groups.  However, even though I was making sure I had fellowship with others, I was still church homeless, craving to belong within a church family and needing spiritual guidance and covering for life and ministry.

I know you are most likely asking yourself,

“well why did she leave her home church?” 

Well the short answer is that -God had prompted me to leave the church for two years before I actually did, however  the struggle was real and I just couldn’t find a place that I  flitted!

Leaving a church is not easy when it’s been your home for so long, it’s like leaving a relationship it’s emotional!

The soul is well and truly tied!

My previous pastor has also said, “Go where you Grow!” and it was time for me to go somewhere where I would grow into the calling God had placed on my life.

During this season I really had to press into God and ask him where I should settle.  As my prayers began  to be answered, and the exploration process began (not church hopping),  I found myself attending 3 very different churches.

All of these churches fed me in one-way shape or form during this season, but I still didn’t quite feel like I had found HOME!

You know how God works everything out for the good right!?

I must say that during this time of being homeless, my prayer life strengthened, my faith deepened and my worship became more authentic and free.

I began to discover different worship artists,  styles of worship including praise dancing and flag worship.

I even invested in some flags that I waved around in my garden (Like ‘nun chucks’ my daughter said)!

(Quite fitting really as flag worship is a  form of spiritual warfare which is a whole other blog)!


-Time to Settle!-

It was time….time to settle… the world was unlocking from COVID, it was time to plant myself firmly in my new church!

We have all heard that the choice and purchase of a home or who we marry is one of the most significant decisions we will ever make.  I believe it’s the same as it relates to our choice of church.

Are we located where God wants us to be?

Are we committed to the person/church he wants us to be?

 I knew I  needed a church that fitted my personality, that teaches the word of God, and allows the flow of the holy spirit.

A  church that worships God in all truth, understands me, loves and generally cares about me, and allows me to exercise my gifts and serve with a spirit of unity and a love for their local community.

Tall order maybe-but not a tall order for God who knows our needs and He is a provider!

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 


-God Provided!-

God most certainly showed up and I finally found my church home! I have been embraced, loved, supported, encouraged and pushed in my calling. And wonderfully I  also was also able to join the dance ministry and minister with my flags (‘nunchucks’)  which has been such a blessing!

Here is a little snippet of my authentic worship! I always laugh as I want to be a graceful worshiper but the energy inside is bursting as you can see!


Let Everything that has Breath Praise the Lord!
Psalm 150:1
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!3 Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

-Reflection and Meditation-

As you read this blog you may remember a time when you didn’t have a church home, were looking for a new home or thanking God you are settled in a good home.. Or you may still be struggling and have not been back to church for a while.

You may want to ask yourself questions such as this:

Am I having fellowship? 

Do I need to find a church home?

How am I serving in my church?

How am I worshipping …can I go deeper?

Once you have identified where you are personally,  maybe write a prayer down and talk to God inviting him into your area of need.

Reflect deeper begin to worship and pray about  your fellowship with other believers at this present time.

Prayerfully Invite God into your church space or current activity  and see what he does or says? 

Or simply just ask God to find you a place you can call HOME!


-Praise & Worship-

Listen to this amazing song- Where Would I Be? (feat. Dante Bowe, Ryan Ofei & Brandon Lake) | Maverick City Music | TRIBL


Below is a picture of my incomplete creative work that encapsulates the year and is based on two key scriptures; Joshua 3- Crossing the Jordan River  the second being John 4-Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman


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