Our Work!
We are committed to not just preaching the gospel, but embodying it through acts of love and assistance towards those in need. Our mission is to offer a safe haven and practical aid to women of all backgrounds who have faced or are currently facing abuse and trauma.
Hence, we are always ready to address the needs that arise. If you are interested in contributing to our cause through donations or volunteering, please reach out to us!
Life Essence Housing and Support
Life Essence Housing and Support sprang into action to aid women escaping Domestic Abuse and various Trauma during the pandemic by offering temporary housing, essential worker assistance, and empowering workshops for homeless women in need. (2020-2023)
Knowing Me-Loving Me
We provide workshops for single women who have survived domestic violence and are still dealing with its aftermath. Our goal is to help them regain confidence, self-worth, self-esteem, and form healthy relationships. Additionally, families will receive personalized support and counseling sessions from our experienced professionals.
we are dedicated to creating a social action safe hub within the community. This hub will offer support, empowering courses, and uplifting events. Additionally, we will collaborate with existing support services to ensure a comprehensive network of assistance for women of all faith groups, race and nationalities.